Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What's been going on....

We have a walker!  Brighton started taking steps before his first birthday, but actually started "walking" in mid-September, right around 13 months of age.  He is so funny to watch walking---his little belly sticks out and he kind of waddles back and forth.  His vocabulary hasn't increased greatly, but he does say a couple new words.  He continues to eat almost everything and never seems to get full.  He had a doctor's appointment last week after a week of congestion and he had gained two pounds in less than two months!  I think he's gotten taller too, but we won't know that for sure until his 15 month check-up.  He is a great sleeper (still) and still takes two naps a day if our schedule allows.

Brighton really likes being with Navy.  And as long as she lets him play with her, he is pretty happy. He also likes to play in her room.  I think he knows it is not his room and it's a special thing for him to go in there and play with her toys ;).  She is a good big sister the majority of the time and is always looking out for him.

We celebrated my Granny's 90th Birthday a few weeks ago.  It was a really great day.  A lot of our extended family was there, as well as all of Granny's children, grand-children and great-grandchildren (minus Isabelle, who wasn't born yet).  We tried to get a picture of Granny with her great-grandchildren, but as you can see below, it's hard to get three kids to sit still and look at the camera all at the same time.  

Granny and her grandchildren

Navy finished out her soccer season last week.  We were so proud of her!  She has really improved since last season.  She scored a lot of goals this year (5 in one game one Saturday!) and enjoys playing.  Her dad and uncle were the coaches, and her cousin Tenley played on her team.  She is already looking forward to spring soccer.  

Halloween is Saturday, so I will wait to post our fall fun pictures after.  

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Brighton turns 1 and Navy turns 5!

Wow!  Life has been really busy and I am a little behind on my posts.  I'll do my best to catch up, but I'm not promising anything!

This year, we had a joint birthday party for Brighton and Navy.  At first, I was dead-set against it because it was Brighton's 1st and Navy gets a bit jealous if she doesn't get the same attention as he does.  We asked Navy about it, just casually, and she got very excited about it.  So that's when I caved (that and when I looked to see how close their birthdays really are and decided that I didn't want to mess with two parties in three weeks time).

I chose a Micky/Minnie theme because Mickey is the one character that Brighton loves.  When Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on TV, he is mesmerized.  He laughs and points and claps and is so happy to see Mickey.  Navy had asked several months before is she could have a Minnie Mouse party when we were doing the parties separately.  I had told her she was too old for Minnie, but it ended up working out perfectly.  We had both sides of the family there as well, which made for a large party, but we only had to have one instead of four!  

Here are a few photos from that day...most are courtesy of Uncle James.  

We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family to celebrate with us!