If it was hot outside, what would you choose to do?
Sounds good, but I told Jonathan I wouldn't take Navy swimming for the first time without him.
So, with the temperature in the 90's....
we went to the zoo!
Navy and I met some friends and we had a really good time. It was Navy's second trip to the zoo, and she seemed to be a little more aware of what was going on around her. I don't know how many animals Navy actually saw, though. I only took pictures of the ones that she could see from her stroller (and the ones that she saw when I was holding her because she was screaming, begging to get out of her stroller).
We also saw Dora, who apparently was taking a break from exploring and decided to sit at Mesker Park Zoo for an entire afternoon. Navy didn't really notice her, even though she likes watching her show. I saw Diego for a second, but he was being escorted away by two zoo employees, and he looked like he was about to fall over. Maybe it was because of the heat....
After an hour and a half, Navy was ready to leave.
Please, Mommy....I need air conditioning.
Me and Navy |
Caleb, Navy and Anthony |