Saturday, January 28, 2012


As a child, I loved to read.  I wish I had time to read for enjoyment now, but there are so many other things that "have" to get done.  Navy loves to have us read to her, and most recently she has started "reading" to herself.  I snuck up on her today and recorded a little of it. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas and What Comes After....

Things have been busy in the Helm house since Christmas.  I feel like things have finally started to return to "normal"...whatever that is :)

Navy and Uncle Stephen
We had a great Christmas.  My brother,  Stephen, came to visit us from New York.  Navy loves her "Uncle Fephen" so much! 

Grandpa Harry and Mamaw Vickie also came to visit.  Navy enjoyed seeing them a bunch and loved having all the attention on her! 

Navy and Grandpa

Grammy and Grandpa Helm with the grandkids

Navy wasn't in to opening her presents this year.  She loved to play with the wrapping paper and tissue paper after we had unwrapped her gifts, though. Next year will be another story I'm sure.  She got so many new toys that we didn't have enough room for them!  I was able to convince Jonathan that her changing table/dresser could be moved out of her room and replaced with shelves and storage bins for all of her new toys.  Navy seems to really like her new room arrangement and now plays in her room by herself, which is something she hadn't done before. 

Jonathan has been teaching Navy all kinds of things this past month.  They mainly involve climbing up on things, like the couch, coffee table, bed, etc.  While she can't climb up on our coffee table yet, this hasn't stopped her from climbing on other people's tables!   Hopefully this new found ability will get old soon :)

Navy has learned a couple of new words as well.  Her favorite so far is "no."  Everytime you ask her a question, she says "no."  It's funny how quickly she picked up the appropriate times to use this word, even if it isn't what she really means!  When she gets hungry, she goes over to our fridge and hits the door.  If you don't give her something or if we tell her it's not time to eat yet, she gets mad.  She will stomp her feet and throw a little fit.  She also loves to drink milk.  I truly believe she would drink it all day long if we let her.     

She is so independent and strong-willed.  I can't wait to see what the next few months bring!