Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A lot of nothing much

Not much has been going on in our house.  Winter is still hanging around, which means very little outside play time, so we've been making the most of indoor activities.  Navy still goes to the 4C Play and Learn two times a week, plus Toddler Storytime twice a week.  On Thursdays she started attending Kinderfun at Mesker Park Zoo.  It's a 13 week program where the kids learn about a letter of the alphabet and then get to see an animal up close and personal. 

Coloring at Kinderfun
Navy's therapy with First Steps is going well.  Jonathan says he can't tell if her talking is improving, but I have noticed improvement in some words that she used to have difficulty with.  She is definitely talking more and sometimes says the funniest things.  She continues to love to sing songs.   Her favorites are "Old McDonald," "Wheels on the Bus" and the theme song to "Max and Ruby."  Sometimes she asks Jonathan or me to sing the song with her.  Other times she sings all by herself. 

She loves her "paa" and prefers to have two at a time.  We haven't tried to take her pacifiers away yet....
Navy also has become obsessed with her "babies."  She likes to feed them, change their clothes, brush their teeth and trim their fingernails. 


Navy loves playing with her cousins, even though they fight over toys sometimes.


This past Sunday the weather was very nice, so we headed to the zoo.  Grandpa Greg, Grandma Wendy and Aunt Michele came too. 

Grandpa and Navy running fast

Aunt Michele and Navy

Daddy and Navy
Navy is obsessed with cleaning.  One of her favorite phrases to say is "Navy help Momma."  She insists on dusting and sweeping the floor anytime I attempt to.  She does a pretty good job too.  She tries to help me fold clothes, but that usually consists of waving them around the room and then leaving them in a pile on the couch.  We will continue to work on that :)