Tuesday, September 1, 2015

One year old!

Brighton turned 1 on August 13th.  This past year flew by.  Brighton took his first "real" steps the week leading up to his birthday.  He is now up to approximately four steps before he freaks out and sits down or falls toward you.  If he could gather up some courage, I think he will be walking in about a month. 

At his one year appointment, he weighed in at 21 lbs and 27.5 inches.  He is in the 40th percentile in weight but less than 5th percentile in height (.5 percentile) to be exact.  For now, he is our short and stocky little boy.

He continues to be a great sleeper, eater and all around happy little guy.  He loves to play peek-a-boo, although he covers his ears instead of his eyes.  He continues to love to point to everything that he sees.  Some new words he has added this past couple of weeks is "bath," "dog" and "bubbles."  He can be shy at times and hides his face when strangers or not so familiar family and friends speak to him.  He has been experiencing some separation anxiety the past month or so and doesn't like to be left in the nursery or at the Y.  I am hoping he will outgrow this shortly. 

He loves to eat and throws a huge fit when the food is gone or you cut him off because he has eaten more than you!  He really hasn't refused much food----strawberries are not something he likes and he also doesn't like peas.  His favorites right now seem to be green beans, cheese and MILK.  He could drink milk all day long and be perfectly content.