Thursday, July 16, 2015

Brighton---11 months

Brighton was 11 months old on Monday!  He continues to be such a sweet and happy baby.  He has, however, become a "little stinker" the past couple of months.  If he shouldn't get into it, he is in it!  Right now, his favorite thing to get into is a drawer in our kitchen where I keep extra napkins.  Recently, when he opened the drawer, he got "stuck" and couldn't get out from underneath the drawer. 



This month was the first month I had issues getting him to sit still and not EAT his monthly sticker!  We can usually distract him, but this month it didn't work.  Jonathan wasn't there, but I honestly don't think it would have made much of a difference.  I even gave him a candy bar to hold, hoping it would keep his hands away from the sticker, but it didn't really work. 

He went through a growth spurt the past couple of weeks---He grew out of his shoes overnight, and he has completely grown out of his 6 month sleepers.  His cheeks are getting chubbier as well.  That may be due to the enormous amounts of food that he consumes.  He seems to never get full!  He cut another tooth this month--that makes three on top and two on the bottom.  A fourth tooth is getting close to making its appearance on top as well. 

He is saying "Dada" and "Momma" although he says Dada more.  He loves to swing and seems to enjoy being outside more than he did a few months ago.  He likes being in the pool and doing anything as long as Navy is there with him.  She is really sweet with him now and "allows" him to play with her sometimes.  They like to have pretend picnics in the living room.  He loves being in her room and playing with all of her toys (or putting them in his mouth). 

Earlier this week, Navy fell asleep in the recliner.  Brighton wasn't done playing with her, and he tried to wake her up by pulling her hair.  He was laughing as he did this, of course! 

 I see a lot of this kind of thing in our future :)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Bright---10 months

Brighton was 10 months old on June 13th!  He is crawling EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING.  He is much more curious and mischievous than Navy was.  He gets into things Navy never even noticed. 
He continues to sleep through the night, takes good naps and is overall a happy baby.  He loves to eat.  If we are eating, he fully expects to eat as well and he wants to have what you are having.  Brighton has also started to throw fits when you take something away from him.  He will throw his head (and body if you are holding him) backwards and cry.  He loves his big sister a bunch.  He gets so excited when he sees her in the mornings after he wakes up.  He loves when she plays with him and especially loves it when she shares her toys with him.