Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We woke up the morning after Christmas to find a lot of snow on the ground! Navy has never really been able to play in a significant amount of snow (last year we didn't have that much) and she was really excited to go out and play in it. 

Navy and Jonathan built a snowman, or as Navy called it "a snowball."  Navy's snowball stayed in our front yard for a couple of days and then fell to its death.  Navy was quite upset about her "snowball" falling over and tells us everyday about how her "snowball" fell down. 

We had another round of snow on Friday to top off the previous snowfall.  This snow was prettier in my opinion because it was a little icy to begin with, which made the trees beautiful.  We went to my great-aunt's house the next day and Navy was able to play in the snow for a little bit. 

Navy built another "snowball" with her daddy and my cousins, and this one looked a little like Cookie Monster.  Navy also got upset with my cousin Isaac when he threw a snowball at her daddy and was scolding Isaac, telling him "no!"

Navy is really talking a lot now.  She says many four word phrases, such as "Navy do it too, go in Momma's car."  She is still hard to understand , though.  This is quite frustrating for her (and us) and since she talks all the time, I finally called First Steps and set up an evaluation for her.  She did qualify for services with First Steps and she started her first session of therapy the week before Christmas.  They found a delay in her speech (dropping consonant sounds and syllables) so she will be receiving services for the next several months.  She seemed to get along well with her therapist, and I am looking forward to her making progress.