Friday, May 22, 2015


May has by far been our busiest month this year.  First of all, my baby girl finished out her last year of preschool.  In the fall she starts Pre-K and then after that.....Kindergarten!
All dressed up for her end of the year program

Navy's school had an end of the year picnic and we were all able to attend.  We love her preschool and all of the students and teachers! 

 Navy has learned a lot this year and I can't wait to see what new things she discovers next year.  She looks so much older than she did at the beginning of the year. 

Navy had her first dance recital this month.  She enjoys her dance class and wasn't nervous at all to perform on stage.  We were so proud of her! 

Navy and her cousin, Tenley


She also finished up her first soccer season.  Navy was the youngest person on her team.  It was her first year playing and she often stayed behind "the pack" but she improved a lot as the season progressed.  She even got to where she kicked the ball during the games on purpose ;).  The biggest thing for her was that she had fun and loved being part of a team.  She especially liked the medal she earned!
Our little Brightman turned 9 months old on the 13th.  He still hasn't mastered crawling, although he can scoot backwards and roll when he feels like it.   He loves to stand up though.  He can't pull up to get there, but once you put him there he likes to stay and play (or bang on) whatever he is holding on to. 

He loves doing everything his sister does!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

April 2015

Easter pics

Brighton turned 8 months old on April 13th.  He is such a happy, content little guy.  He continues to sleep around 10 hours through the night.  He loves to eat...anything and everything that you are eating!  He is not in a big hurry to get moving.  He likes to just sit and play.  Sometimes he will fall over onto his back and roll around, but most of the time he is content to stay where you put him.  He still only has two teeth, and no others seem to be coming in anytime soon.  He seems to be a little on the short side---still wearing some 3-6 month pants and shirts. 

Navy started playing soccer this year.  It rained most of April, so a lot of her practices got cancelled.  She is the youngest on her team, and she is somewhat timid on the field, but she says she loves playing soccer.  Jonathan is the assistant coach for her team, so Daddy is nearby to cheer her on.  Our entire family has been great about coming out to watch her.  She is usually very shy after the game, but when we are in the car on the way home, she gets so excited when talking about who came to watch her play.   


Sunday, May 3, 2015

What's been going on....

On August 13, 2014, we welcomed Brighton to our family!  I had a C-section scheduled for later that week, so his arrival  on the 13th was somewhat of a surprise.  I had been having contractions off and on for several days, but on that particular day they just wouldn't stop.  I ate lunch at work and then called my doctor, who advised me to come in.  After going home, getting Navy taken care of and going back to the doctor's office, it was determined that I would be having him that evening.  Because I had eaten lunch (darn it!) they wanted to wait until 7 for the C-section! So I got to enjoy a few hours of labor before I was numbed and prepped for surgery. 

The end result was perfection, and we weren't disappointed. 


Most things about having a second baby are a lot easier the second time around!  It was difficult helping Navy adjust, however.  Not having to share your parents for almost four years and then having to share them with a newborn was tough, but she is such a great big sister.  He lights up when she talks to him and she loves to help with him and be around him. 

Since this blog is way behind, here's a snap shot of Brighton, months 1-7.  I hope to keep up a little better from now on :). 

I can't forget his first holidays either!