Friday, November 18, 2011


I don't really have anything specific to post about, so here is some randomness....

Thanks to Grandma Wendy's help, Navy can now climb up stairs and slide down them feet first on her stomach.  She is so proud of herself when she gets to the bottom!

Navy said her first word --"hi"--- at 13 months.  She said this after picking up her play phone and putting it up to her ear.  Maybe she has seen that somewhere????
She now says "bye" "all gone" "bath" "outside"  "dadda" and "all done."  I am one of those moms that didn't count the babbling that sounds like "momma" or "dadda" as real words.  She had to use the word correctly and consistently for me to count it :) 

Navy loves to have someone read to her now.  Before, she would rarely sit still for you to read to her, but now she brings books to us and wants us to read them, over and over.  Her favorite book is "Goodnight Moon."  We have two copies and she has broken the binding on both of them! 

Navy doesn't like to be told "no" and has started throwing fits that consist of her waving her hands or throwing herself down on the floor.  Sometimes she swats her hands at me too!  She is also very good at arching her back to try to get out of your arms when you tell her something she doesn't want to hear. 

She loves to give hugs and kisses to everyone.  She doesn't really kiss people though....she just leans her head in to their face/mouth.  She will do this over and over just to hear us tell her "how sweet" she is! 

Navy also likes to get Jonathan's shoes for him.  Poor kid....I can see a lot of this in her future :) 

Navy has also started walking backwards.  It's funny to watch because instead of walking towards us to sit on our lap, she will purposefully turn around and back into our lap.  Sometimes she doesn't turn around and she misses our lap completely :)   

She still loves playing with kids, especially older kids.  She doesn't like to be "babied" by them, though.  Her cousin sometimes tries to help her or correct her, and she gets mad.

On another note......I have only put up one Christmas decoration so far.  I like to have mine up by Thanksgiving, so I am hoping that I can get them done this weekend and next week.

Navy's cousin, Tenley, came over with her dad the other night to play with Navy.  Their dads were playing video games, and the girls had a lot of fun.  They got out every toy in our house!  

Navy does wear pants most of the time, regardless of what these pictures show.

It was fun watching them play together.  There wasn't any fighting or hair pulling, which is a good thing when Navy is around :)      


Thursday, November 3, 2011


Poor Navy......I found out on Halloween that she had an ear infection (which explains why she wasn't sleeping well) so she was slightly grumpy and I don't think she enjoyed Halloween as much as she would have if she wasn't feeling bad.  After Navy got dressed up as a ladybug, we went to Grandma Wendy's house.  Navy wasn't in a very good mood, so unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures. 

Next we went to my old work (DCS) to trick-or-treat.  Navy didn't get any candy, though, because I didn't see anything that I would let her eat and Jonathan and I didn't need anymore candy in the house.  This year they decorated the office with the theme of cartoon characters and they did a really great job!  Navy's favorite was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


 Then we headed over to see family in Henderson.

Navy eating snacks out of her diaper bag.  She didn't even miss the candy.
 I don't think we'll be that lucky next year.